Monolith Develop non-combustible façade Monolith Develop non-combustible façade

Monolith Develop non-combustible façade

Monolith Brick & Stone has managed to produce a non-combustible façade product that has been in high demand after the tragic incident at the Grenfell Tower in London. The extensive fire that caused untold destruction to a tower block in London has led to a number of fears and new perceptions in terms of building safety. The innovative company has created a new jigsaw type façade product that will be quick to apply and available in almost every brick façade possible.

Monolith Brick & Stone is a North Wales based company that has created a panel of 12 brick slips that are held together by an integrated mesh that can then be fused into the bricks. The fully installed and complete product delivers a non-combustible shell for a building. The company are in the middle of fine-tuning the innovative and unique prototype before an official launch that will take place in the Autumn. It is thought that the increased production for this product will create 100 new jobs.

The panels are quick to apply and the integrated mesh also removes the need for glue, which would increase the fire risk of the product. The jigsaw-style fitting of the panels could cut costs in terms of the time it takes to install the façade, and should meet the demand from the construction industry for a safer product.

Monolith are going through their due diligence process, meaning it will be a few months before the product is officially ready to be launched. However, the creation of this new product has already meeting a demand in the housing market as it will be suitable for new and existing buildings.

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Since the Grenfell Fire, a number of development projects have stalled amid fears about safety, therefore the new creation of this product is well timed to kick-start a number of construction projects and offer peace of mind.

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