Liverpool Timber Yard to Get Housing Development Liverpool Timber Yard to Get Housing Development

Liverpool Timber Yard to Get Housing Development

A derelict timber yard in Liverpool is set to be given a new lease of life, as plans are being put into place to demolish the current vacant buildings between Silverdale Avenue, Hilberry Avenue and Sutton Street, in order to develop 18 new homes in the area.

The development will include two blocks of nine, three-bedroom family homes as well as the inclusion of loft space which will create bedroom four-hobby rooms should the proposals be accepted once they go before Liverpool City Council.

Architect Roger Jenkins submitted as a planning document on behalf of the applicant to the local authority, which stated, “The application concerns the redevelopment of a former timber yard, which has within the site a number of vacant derelict buildings, including a brick chimney; the site is presently hoarded and fenced, and is generally in a very poor state of repair.

“Our client informs us that this site has long been an issue with local residents because of its derelict state; such that the local councillor has now given his support to its development.”

In recent years Liverpool has made massive improvements and has changed many people’s perspectives of the city as a result, and should these plans get the go-ahead it will provide another example of a successful revamp project, as well as obviously providing housing in an area that cannot be repaired otherwise.

“The immediate area is characterised by a tradition of small family dwellings in terraces, fronting directly on to the street; in more recent times, various new developments of groups of dwellings have been incorporated into the street scene” the planning application continues.  “The immediate area is characterised by a tradition of small family dwellings in terraces, fronting directly on to the street; in more recent times, various new developments of groups of dwellings have been incorporated into the street scene.”

So these plans would certainly make a huge difference to the site, but we will have to wait for the final decision to be made before we know anything for sure.

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