East Lothian Council to Deliver more Houses East Lothian Council to Deliver more Houses

East Lothian Council to Deliver more Houses

The East Lothian Council in Scotland will be delivering a package of more than £150 million investment in council housing over the next five years. Almost £93 million of the capital will be spent on new affordable council housing, while £60 million will be spent on the modernisation of the existing properties.

“I’m delighted that, in the next year, a number of new council homes are expected to be completed, providing high-quality accommodation for families and individuals. This is part of a significant £93m investment in new council housing over the next five years, which will see the construction of homes throughout the county,” explained Jim Goodfellow, cabinet spokesperson for housing.

New homes are expected to be delivered during 2018-2019 at Haddington and Dunbar, followed by further developments planned for Aberlady, Cockenzie, Gullane, Haddington, Musselburgh, Ormiston, and Prestonpans. Meanwhile, the existing council houses will see a programme of improvements, including the refurbishment of bathrooms, kitchens, and roofing, together with the installation of energy efficiency measures.

“At the same time, we are committed to improving our existing housing stock, and will be investing almost £60m in the modernisation of council homes throughout the county. This includes an increased focus on energy efficiency measures – helping to make tenants’ homes warmer and cheaper to heat, helping to reduce fuel poverty,” Jim added.

In the last five years, the council managed to deliver 370 new council houses and the East Lothian Council tenants benefit from one of the lowest average weekly rents in Scotland. “With East Lothian being a fantastic place to live, it’s vital that we build on this track record and continue to invest in housing to meet the demands of our communities,” commented Jim.

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The future developments will offer homes for those seeking one and will also add to the region’s economy.

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