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Prof. Dr. Yunus Aydın’s Spinal Surgery Innovations: Microdiscectomy and Spinal Canal Stenosis Breakthroughs

Prof. Dr. Yunus Aydın is leading a transformation in spinal health care, offering unparalleled medical expertise and introducing innovative back pain treatments with his vast experience and dedication to spinal surgery.

Having successfully performed over 2800 aneurysm operations and more than 400 AVM procedures, Prof. Dr. Yunus Aydın is renowned for his customized approach to patient care, focusing on ensuring patient well-being and satisfaction throughout the recovery period.

Aydın’s Pioneering Spinal Surgery Techniques

The pioneering spinal surgery techniques developed by Prof. Dr. Yunus Aydın represent a significant advance in the field, providing targeted solutions for spinal stenosis and spinal cord compression without the use of metal, thus significantly reducing tissue damage. This approach includes day-case treatments for disc herniations, non-surgical methods for cervical disc herniation, and effective treatments for spinal canal stenosis resulting from cervical calcification.

By adopting a unilateral approach for bilateral decompression in cases of spinal stenosis, Prof. Dr. Yunus Aydın has effectively employed this technique in over 4,000 cases over 23 years. “Our goal is to preserve the natural structure and mobility of the spine while providing more room to squeezed spinal nerves,” he notes. He highlights the frequency of spinal stenosis in older individuals and the common surgical preference for instrumented methods, which involve lengthy and invasive surgeries, thus delaying the patient’s return to normal activities. He recommends shorter, less invasive surgeries for older patients to decrease postoperative complications, stressing the importance of early post-surgery mobilization.

“By using a unilateral approach, on the symptomatic side, we can decompress the spinal canal stenosis and clean disc herniations effectively, minimizing the risk of ‘Adjacent Segment Disease’ and ensuring a faster return to normal life for our patients.” This method is also suitable for treating multi-level stenosis through a single incision, without compromising the spine’s structural integrity.

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Innovating Natural Pathways on the Spinal Side

In his approach to spinal stenosis treatment, Prof. Dr. Yunus Aydın applies a groundbreaking technique that circumvents the limitations associated with traditional screw and rod systems. While these conventional methods are effective for traumatic fractures or spinal issues caused by tumor growth, they can alter the spine’s biomechanics, often necessitating further surgeries.

Drawing from his extensive experience of over 10,000 surgeries, Prof. Dr. Yunus Aydın’s method involves creating a natural pathway on one side of the spine to conduct the necessary surgeries without affecting spinal stability. This technique maintains joint function and prevents the occurrence of adjacent segment disease, enabling most patients to be discharged within a day of their spinal surgery.

Promoting Rapid Recovery Through Minimally Invasive Techniques

“The key to successful spinal surgery lies in respecting the integrity of the spine’s supporting structures,” Prof. Dr. Yunus Aydın highlights. Utilizing advanced surgical tools like the high-speed drill and Kairison bone cutter, these surgeries can be performed in a less invasive manner, reducing blood loss and improving efficiency. Moreover, by preserving the yellow ligament in microdiscectomy, the operation minimizes tissue damage, thereby lowering the chances of nerve adhesions and the risk of failed back surgery syndrome.

Patients undergoing these sophisticated spinal surgeries can expect significantly shorter hospitalizations, with many being discharged on the same day or the day after surgery. The vast majority of patients return to their everyday activities within 15 days, demonstrating the minimally invasive nature of these surgical procedures.

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