Check Mates! One year on for the duo revolutionising the UAE property market

When it comes to flooring their competitors, Property Check boasts an impressive first year in the UAE housing market, saving buyers onaverage a staggering 49,920 AED (£10,000+) with its disruptive model.

Based in Dubai, the brand launched in 2022 and is the brainchild of UK entrepreneur, Liam Ketley and Australian business partner Michael Widgery, who combine state-of-the art technology with a no-nonsense approach that’s proved a winner with clients across the UAE.

Their unique approach is to give buyers a detailed report of all the repairs a home needs and identify future issues. What’s more the company can turn around an in-depth report within 24 hours saving buyers thousands.

That’s why it’s no surprise they have been ranked the number one property inspection agency in the UAE.

Said co-founder, Ketley: “Our first year has gone better than our wildest dreams and we have smashed the UAE real estate market. That’s because Property Check is a product that buyers have been crying out for.

“When you consider we find around 287 faults per property check and save buyers almost 50,000 AED on average, plus you get our full report in 24 hours, you can see why. And it’s much needed here as there are so many new builds and little regulation, so it can be a minefield for buyers, renters, and landlords, if they don’t do proper checks.”

Ketley knows the problems only too well as his own experience inspired the business after he moved into a new apartment and his water tank burst, flooding the flat.

“I realised that a proper inspection would have found the problem and cost around Dh50 (£11.00) to fix, but it ended up costing more than Dh5,000 (£1,000+) and I had no bathroom for two weeks! The upside is I saw a gap in the market and launched Property Check with Michael,” he added. 

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The company is the first to use industry-leading technology such as thermal imaging, endoscopic cameras and moisture meters that they describe as being an ‘MRI scan for homes’ with prices starting from just Dh999.

“We created our own inspection software that allows us to carry out the world’s most-detailed property inspection and document issues in real time. We cover thousands of data points every single day. It is the only software on earth built for Middle East homes and is available nowhere else globally,” said a proud Ketley.

Another innovation loved by buyers, landlords and renters alike, is their hallmark Property Report Cards, which are unique, fully filterable, interactive and use everyday language.

“Everything we do is built around convenience and simplicity for the customer. It’s easy to book online or by phone and we create UAE bespoke digital reports within 24 hours,” added Widgery.

“There’s also no disruption to customers. They don’t need to be there when we do inspections and there’s no damage or moving things around. It’s perfect for a busy market like the UAE.”

Their pricing policy (inspections start from Dh999 – £216.00 GBP) is also a winner and can save customers thousands as well as revealing any safety issues. 

“Inspectors find around 300 issues on average, ranging from the cosmetic to the more serious. If it’s not perfect, we report it. For example, something like poorly sealed windows can add a considerable amount to your air conditioning bill and it’s good to know that before you move in or are negotiating,” added Widgery.

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So, what’s next for the two former ad men?

“The Property Check team is in demand, so we will be getting bigger and better as more and more people find out about us and recommend us. We are continually recruiting, and we have big plans,” added Widgery.

“We will be launching a new app that we’re confident will disrupt the estate agency model in the UAE and have a few more surprises up our sleeves which will continue our ethos of providing the best customer service with the latest tech. Watch this space!”

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