World Water Day: 7 ways to save water in your home

The time of year when we are all called to do our bit for the planet and take measures to save water is fast approaching.  In order to make sure you have everything you need to play your part on World Water Day, here are 10 simple things you can do to save water in your home.

Install a water meter

Installing a water meter means you will be charged for exactly how much water you use daily; offering you a clear incentive to reduce the water usage of your home. Not limited to merely providing you with a financial prerogative, a water meter can also play an educational role in giving in helping you understand exactly what processes use up how much water.

Utilise water butts stock cleverly designed water butts that make use of the drainpipes to  collect and store the otherwise wasted water. Re-using this collected water to wash your car, your windows, or to water the plants in your garden saves using tap water. This is an especially timely pursuit as the UN has declared re-using wastewater their priority for World Water Day this year.

Water efficient goods

Water efficient shower heads have been engineered to cleverly propel jets of air through the falling water in order to increase the flow rate; making your showers feel just as satisfying whilst using less water.

Similarly, water efficient toilets are a more than worthwhile investment. A single flush of an outdated toilet uses up a shocking ten litres of water

Don’t brush your teeth in the shower

You may be an adept multi-tasker but you are evidently not quite as slick when it comes to saving water. Brushing your teeth or shaving in the shower whilst litres of water go to waste may be time saving but it is not energy or money-saving. The same goes for leaving the water running while brushing your teeth! A simple change like this can benefit the planet and your pocket.

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Drink from a water-filled jug in the fridge rather than from the tap

We have all been guilty of waiting far too long for tap water to become cold before consuming it. Filling up a water filter jug and sticking it in the fridge eliminates this pesky warming up process and the waste of water that goes with it.

Navy/combat shower

Living up to the ruthless military efficiency suggested by its name, a navy or combat shower is an effective way to save water. The procedure involves turning off the shower whilst you apply shampoo and soap, and then resuming the shower when you are ready to rinse.

Make sure appliances are full before use

Speaking of efficiency, making sure the washing machine, drier or dishwasher is full before use is a zero cost way to reduce the amount of water your household uses.

So why is it so essential to participate in World Water Day? Reducing water usage at home ensures the survival and prosperity of aquatic wildlife whilst cutting the amount of energy needed to provide water for domestic use and the bills associated with it.

Property & Development Magazine

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