Edinburgh Council Reveals Plans for Fountainbridge Edinburgh Council Reveals Plans for Fountainbridge

Edinburgh Council Reveals Plans for Fountainbridge

City of Edinburgh Council has decided to turn a former brewery complex in Fountainbridge into a vibrant city quarter that will include over 400 new homes. The work on the site is set to commence early next year, with the project expected to be finalised by 2025.

The Council is looking for a development partner that will deliver over 400 new homes across four blocks, comprising a mix of social housing and homes for sale. Retail and business units will also be developed on the ground floor.

“Regeneration of Fountainbridge is hugely important for the city’s economy. At the heart of this development is our aim to ensure that prosperity and growth benefits everyone, in every neighbourhood,” said Councillor Kate Campbell, convener of the housing and economy committee. “The committee’s decision is a huge step towards the transformation of Fountainbridge, making it an even more desirable place to live and work.”

The local authority owns 4.7 hectares of brownfield land at Fountainbridge, 1.2 hectares of which have already been used to build the new Boroughmuir High School, leaving the remaining land for mixed-use development. A small portion of the land is being sold to Vastint Hospitality BV to enable their development that will complement the requirements of the wider masterplan.

“I’m delighted that Fountainbridge will become home to a wide range of different house types and tenures so close to the city centre, which also includes a substantial element of social and family housing,” said Councillor Lezley Marion Cameron, vice convener of the housing and economy committee. “Our aim is to create a successful and high quality mixed use development which balances residential, commercial and community uses in a sensible, sensitive and sustainable way.”

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In addition, the council is also looking into introducing a district heating scheme if viable. Consideration is also being given as to how the industrial heritage of the site can be celebrated, with a refurbishment of the adjacent former North British Rubber Company works into a new home for Edinburgh Printmakers already underway.

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