How to grab a bargain on Black Friday

Budget-conscious Brits are being offered tips on how to grab a bargain during Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales.

The frugal team at have revealed eight ways to save money during one of the biggest sales events of the year.

Many shoppers go all out on Black Friday and Cyber Monday making the most of the sales.

However, some offers are not as good as they seem and many of the discounted items quickly go out of stock.

To help make the most of the sales, experts have issued eight helpful tips for grabbing a bargain such as putting items on a wishlist beforehand and keeping web tabs to a minimum.

Ashleigh Tosh from said: “With Black Friday fast approaching, the battle to get a bargain is once again going to be a difficult fight to endure.

“While Black Friday is a fantastic way to secure Christmas presents for less, it can be difficult to find items without them quickly going out of stock.

“That’s why we wanted to provide helpful tips such as planning a wishlist, pre-saving card details and reading the T&Cs to help shoppers get the items they desire and of course, save money.”

Here are eight ways to grab a bargain on Black Friday:

  1. Put wanted items on a wishlist

Having a wishlist is one of the best ways to secure items before they go out of stock. Make a list of the items you want before shopping and pop them into the list. Then when the sales go live, they’re all in one place on the website which enables a quicker checkout.

  1. Keep tabs to a minimum
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While it seems a good idea to have multiple websites open at once, it can slow your screen refresh rate making it take longer to put items in the basket. It’s worth using multiple devices with fewer tabs for a higher success rate.

  1. Shop around

Don’t just rely on a singular retailer for items as it’s likely they’re sold across other major sites as well as independent websites. Some may even offer the items at a lower price.

  1. Check item prices before the sale

Not all of the discounts are as good as they seem. If you have a desired list of items you want to secure, check a couple of days prior for the original asking price. Then after the sales have ended, check to see the price again. If you’ve overpaid for a product, it’s worth contacting customer service to request a refund and get the item at a lower price.

  1. Read the fine print for how long offers are available

Try not to be too pressured by the limited discount as some of the deals last longer than just Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Have a look at the fine print for how long the offer is on so you can decide what works best for you.

  1. Make the most of both online and in-store

Prices may be better either online or in-store for certain retailers. Sometimes in-store may have exclusive discounts that are only available on Black Friday, whereas online discounts are more likely to be eligible all weekend long.

  1. Pre-save card details

Having card details saved beforehand on a browser can help get discounted prices before the items go out of stock. It also saves time without having to type in all the numbers.

  1. Apply extra discounts
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If you’re eligible for a Blue Light Card or student discount, have them at the ready in case extra discounts are available. Some retailers won’t allow for extra discounts on already discounted items, so make sure to read the T&Cs before clicking checkout.