Unusual kitchen cupboard essentials to clean glass 

Brits are being told of unusual foods from kitchen cupboards which will keep their windows and mirrors sparkling. 

Glass experts at MeandMyGlass.co.uk have named the seven unusual food items which can be used to clean glass and remove smudge marks including ketchup and tea bags. 

Tea bags have natural cleaning products great for wiping away any smudge marks from glass surfaces.

Lemon juice and fizzy drinks contain acid which breaks down dirt and stains on mirrors and windows.

A raw potato or a slice of white bread are also unusual food items which are great for wiping away stains and spot marks on glass. 

John Cutts, founder of MeandMyGlass.co.uk said: “You don’t need to buy any expensive cleaning products to remove smudges, dirt and grime from your glass windows and mirrors. 

“Instead, there are lots of food items sitting in the back of your kitchen cupboards that are really effective as natural cleaning products. 

“Use cornstarch mixed with cold water to remove more stubborn marks on glass and tea bags rubbed across the surface will remove smudges. 

“Ketchup is another kitchen staple which acts as a glass cleaner – just let the condiment sit for a couple of minutes on any stains and wipe clean with a damp cloth.”

Here are the unusual kitchen cupboard essentials to clean glass:

  1. Lemon juice 

Dilute the juice of a lemon with water or white vinegar to create a DIY glass cleaner. The acid in the lemon will break down any stains or marks on glass to make it shine. Cutting a fresh lemon in half and gently rubbing it over glass will also act as a cleaner. 

  1. Cornstarch 
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Cornstarch is a great ingredient to polish glass and windows. The small granules act as a natural abrasive, and when mixed with cold water the solution can be applied to the glass with a sponge to remove any smudges.

  1. Tea bags

Natural cleaning properties in tea makes it a great product for removing smudges from glass. Seep a few tea bags in boiling water and let it sit until cool. Rub the tea bag across a glass surface and wipe clean with a microfibre cloth after sitting for five minutes. 

  1. Ketchup

The acidity in ketchup can break down grime and marks on a glass surface. Smudge in ketchup directly onto the glass and allow it to sit for a couple of minutes. Gently rub the condiment across any smudge marks and wipe clean with a damp, soft cloth. 

  1. Fizzy drinks

 Pour a small amount of the fizzy drink over a glass surface and use a soft sponge to spread over any smudges. Using a clean sponge, wipe away the drink and dry with a clean cloth to prevent any sticky spots. The acidity and carbonation in fizzy drinks acts as a useful natural cleaning product.

  1. Potatoes

 Take a raw potato and cut in half to then wipe over any glass surface. Use a bit of pressure on any stubborn stains and let the juice and starch from the potato sit for five to ten minutes. With a damp microfiber cloth wipe away the residue. 

  1. White bread

Soft white bread is a great hack to remove smudges from glass. Simply rub a slice over any dirty areas and the grime will lift off. Wipe away any crumbs or residue with a soft cloth for a streak-free finish. 

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