Eight hacks to draught-proof your home this winter

Brits are being told of eight hacks to draught-proof their homes to keep warm during the chilly winter months.

Experts at MeandMyGlass.co.uk have revealed simple ways to keep the house warm and prevent cold air from seeping inside.

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With temperatures taking a dip, many households will be turning on the heating to keep their homes warm.

But the warm air can quickly escape if there are gaps in doorways, windows and floorboards.

Not only does this make the house colder, but it also causes heating bills to soar due to wasted energy.

The experts are advising Brits to use draught-proof solutions such as draught excluders and door sweeps to tackle the problem.

John Cutts, from MeandMyGlass.co.uk, said: “As we brace for the influx of cold weather, many will start to realise their rooms aren’t warming up as quickly as they should be.

“The likely cause for this is gaps throughout the home which is causing the warmth to escape and bringing in the cold.

“The last thing anyone wants is to be wasting money on heating especially when bills are set to rise.

“That’s why we’re sharing simple ways to draught-proof a home, so people can make the most of their heating and avoid a nasty surprise when the end-of-month payment comes in.”

Here are eight ways to draught-proof a home:

  1. Identify the cold-air hotspots

Test window frames, the bottom of doors and over floorboards by putting your hand near them. If you feel a cold breeze, there could be loose gaps where the warm air is escaping.

  1. Draught excluders
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Draught excluders are a great way to keep the warm air in and block the cold from entering. They can be used on doors and windows to stop the air from seeping through the gaps.

  1. Door sweeps

Door sweeps are an effective alternative to draught excluders for taller gaps to keep the warm air in and reduce wasted energy. They’re also easy to install and can be done without removing the door.

  1. Seal floorboards

Gaps in wooden floorboards or corners where the carpet hasn’t been sealed correctly can also be areas where the warm air is escaping. Make sure to seal up the larger gaps and press down any loose carpet parts to keep the room warm for winter.

  1. Monitor the temperature

Keep an eye on the temperature in each room to determine if there are still any loose gaps letting the cold air in.

  1. Loft hatches

The heated air could be escaping through gaps in the loft hatch so make sure to put draught strips around the entryway.

  1. Chimney balloon

An unused chimney can benefit from a chimney balloon to help block the cold air flowing into the house. Inflate the balloon until it fits in position and put your hand around the area to feel for any coldness.

  1. Call in the professionals

If you’ve taken all necessary measures to draught-proof the home and the temperatures are still dipping, it may be due to an external issue in the building framework and professionals will need to be called in.

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