Online Hub Launched by Accord Online Hub Launched by Accord

Online Hub Launched by Accord

Online Hub Launched by Accord

An interactive website to help mortgage brokers has been launched by the Yorkshire Building Society subsidiary Accord, which offers mortgage calculators, a guide to the application process and simple explanations of the types of mortgages that are available.

Mortgage brokers will now be able to understand what benefits are available for different products on the market, and this new online toolkit will help them to tailor the information to meet individual clients’ requirements as well as providing the ability to customise the hub with a desired colour scheme and company logo.

“We hope intermediaries will find the client hub a useful tool when discussing their clients’ borrowing options” commented David Robinson, the national intermediary sales manager at Accord. “Whilst other lenders offer brokers support with sales aids, our client hub is unique because it’s interactive and can be tailored to each client. The hub is very visual and includes animation, scenario illustrations and tips to make it easy for clients to understand their home borrowing options.”

Brokers will need to contact their respective business development manager in order to gain access to this new hub, which provides information for first time buyers, remortgagers, contractors and the self-employed, covering all potential borrowers.

Accord are encouraging any feedback from people who have used the online hub, in order for the company to adapt and improve it during next year, however not everybody feels that this new launch will be beneficial to them.

“This would be of no interest to me whatsoever” commented Jane King, a mortgage adviser at Ash-Ridge Private Finance. “Good advisors should have the necessary knowledge already, so I think this is just a gimmick that will not last very long.”

So is this latest development a good thing for borrowers, or is Jane right and it will be a short-lived thing? We can’t make any predictions just yet, but we will find out in the coming months.

See also  The Oddities of Mortgage Approvals: Beware These Surprising Snags

Property & Development Magazine

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