Launch of Wayshaper : The Confederation of Co-operative Housing and Community Led Homes are pleased to announce the launch of Wayshaper, a new tool for community led housing Accredited Advisors.
Wayshaper helps to simplify, accelerate and support the process when developing a community led housing group model. It provides a way for groups to explore the needs and preferences of their members, map out priorities, explore options and make decisions.
The interactive toolkit comprises two sets of card sets: 16 group priorities and 70 group options. Each of the options cards are linked to online resources which provide deeper information, helping groups to reach informed decisions much earlier in the process.
The tool is based on participatory workshops which enables CLH Accredited Advisors to help CLH groups structure their approach to delivering their project, from early prototype models through to a final stable model which can be presented to the community, local authorities, potential partners, lenders and investors. This will help to speed up the process for emerging and forming groups through to the construction and development of the project.
The idea for this new holistic planning tool came out of a review of the Community Led Housing training and accreditation programme last year. Comments were made by many Accredited Advisors that, whilst they were now more aware of the range of options for owning, developing and managing community led housing groups and schemes, it would be helpful if there was a simple to use tool and resources library which could be used with new and established groups to explore and model their options, and also reveal the incompatibilities which can exist between options at the earliest stage of a group model development.
The tool is available to CLH Accredited Advisors on a 12 month subscription basis which provides access to the online resources, a set of large workshop cards (for facilitating physical workshops), full workshop instructions and ongoing card updates. Each advisor subscription also includes 10 coupon codes to offer to groups, giving them access to the toolkit for a greatly reduced price.